Sport mascot-super hero; a new sport branding theory
Oral Presentation , Page 229-229 (1)
Paper ID : 1125-SPORTCONGR
1Assistant professor, Faculty of sport management, sport sciences research institute of Iran , Tehran , Iran
2PhD student of sport management, Wusho federation president , Tehran , Iran
3PhD student of sport marketing, University of Kharazmi , Tehran , Iran
Introduction: Nowadays not only sport events but also sport clubs create mascot to entertain fans during the match (1). So mascot are a fan engagement tools in the other hand. As technology grows and social media is available for everyone, new way of engagement and communication is upon sport brand managers (2). But taking good look at fan motivations and brand associations revealed that fans need proxy victory, entertainment, sense of belonging and they are moved by clubs success, honors, top players, nostalgia, history and other brand elements like stadiums and logo (2). As every club has a history and emotional times, lovable and famous players and a character (mascot) which is a symbol of the club, so a sport marketer has all elements of superhero story that just needs to glue together in a rational way. So, the main goal of this study is to analysis and developing a model for put new theory of mascot-super hero in to action.
Methods:To get to the model that fulfil the main goal of this study, qualitative method through focus group was used. In this case, 5 experts in sport branding/mascot/fan engagement in academic and executive area gathered in a focus group. And after 4 sessions of deep analyzing, live interviewing and coding the data, the following theory of mascot-superhero created.
Results: Figure 1. Mascot-super hero model
Conclusion: This theory could be a new trend in sport marketing/branding area. The model include 3 parts. The central part is all about the alternatives and procedure to develop a sport mascot-superhero. The first part explains the prerequisites needed for this theory and the third and last part include consequences of implementing the theory. Iran Wusho federation is the first ever sport organization which is testing the theory in action.
Methods:To get to the model that fulfil the main goal of this study, qualitative method through focus group was used. In this case, 5 experts in sport branding/mascot/fan engagement in academic and executive area gathered in a focus group. And after 4 sessions of deep analyzing, live interviewing and coding the data, the following theory of mascot-superhero created.
Results: Figure 1. Mascot-super hero model
Conclusion: This theory could be a new trend in sport marketing/branding area. The model include 3 parts. The central part is all about the alternatives and procedure to develop a sport mascot-superhero. The first part explains the prerequisites needed for this theory and the third and last part include consequences of implementing the theory. Iran Wusho federation is the first ever sport organization which is testing the theory in action.