Investigating the Nutritional Approaches of Physical Education and Non-Physical Education Students Before and During Covid-19

Poster Presentation , Page 26-26 (1)
Paper ID : 1273-SPORTCONGR
1Ph.D Student of Sport Management, Department of Physical Education, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Kurdistan, Kurdistan, Iran
2PhD student of sports physiology, Department of Physical Education, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Kurdistan, Kurdistan, Iran
Introduction: Physical education students are expected to have a special eating habit, as they have studied and taught courses on sports nutrition at university. In contrast, non-physical education students have not been trained in sports nutrition and related courses (1). In this regard, the purpose of this study was to investigate the nutritional approaches of physical education and non-physical education students in the corona pandemic.
Methods: The method of this research is descriptive-correlational and 384 students of Kurdistan University (physical education and non-physical education in three levels) were selected as a statistical sample. The measurement tool included a 12-item eating habits questionnaire (2) which was designed online after validation and internal consistency and provided to the subjects through social networks.
Results: The results showed that 170 (92 boys and 78 girls) physical education students and 214 non-physical education students (130 boys and 84 girls) completed the questionnaire. Also, the results indicate that the mean scores of the nutritional approach among physical education students during corona pandemic have increased significantly compared to before (P <0.001). While there was no significant difference between non-physical education students in both pre- and pre-corona positions (P <0.001). However, there was a significant difference between the two groups of physical education and non-physical education students.
Conclusion: It is suggested that the Student Vice Chancellor of Universities, Faculties and Departments of Physical Education and Sports Sciences provide workshops, courses, lectures or seminars in the field of nutrition for all university students in critical situations so that students of other disciplines have sufficient nutritional knowledge for such critical situations.