Students'''' posture in virtual classes in the covid-19 outbreak

Poster Presentation , Page 121-121 (1)
Paper ID : 1159-SPORTCONGR
1Department of Sports Injuries and Corrective Exercises, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
2Department of Sports Injuries and Corrective Exercises, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran
3Department of Health, Safety, and Environment (HSE), Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Introduction: Improper posture and deviation from the desired postural position are effective factors in students' health.
Methods: In this study, 2972 male and female students of Qom city were selected by cluster sampling as statistical samples. And using the reporting checklist in Google Form, Students' reports on their posture status were extracted.
Results: Descriptive statistics showed that 74.6% of students reported the predominant position of the virtual classroom in a sitting place, 21.1% in a lying position, and 4.3% in a standing position. Also, 65.4% were in the forward-lean sitting position, 9% in the sitting position leaning to the side, and 21.9% in the sitting position leaning back. Only 3.7% stated that they were often upright during virtual classrooms. In the lying position, 33% were prone, 32.8% were passive, and 34.2% were lying on their side. In terms of surface, 56.6% and 61.4%, respectively, sitting on the floor and lying on the floor, 15.2% and 13.4% on the sofa, 18% sitting on a table and chair, and 15.6% of the students spent their virtual classes lying on the bed. Also, 17.1% and 21.3% of students stated that they did not move by adopting sitting and lying positions in the classroom, respectively. The Chi-square test reflected a significant relationship between students’ gender and school level with virtual classroom posture (P=0.000). However, no significant association was observed between gender and sitting surface (P=0.322)
Conclusion: Due to the high rate of forward-lean sitting (Two-thirds of students) and prone lying (One-third of students), the posture of many students in virtual classrooms is undesirable and harmful. Therefore, it is recommended to provide corrective solutions and teach the correct posture during virtual classes among students of different grades.