Prevalence of Upper Cross Syndrom in rural women in Qazvin province

Poster Presentation , Page 119-119 (1)
Paper ID : 1192-SPORTCONGR
1Assistant Professor Department of Physical Education, Faculty of Management and Accounting, Qazvin Islamic Azad University, Qazvin, Iran -
2M.Sc. Student, Department of Health and Sports Medicine, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran
3PhD in Sports Management, General Manager of Sports and Youth of Qazvin Province, Qazvin, Iran
4Assistant Professor Department of Physical Education, Faculty of Management and Accounting, Qazvin Islamic Azad University, Qazvin, Iran
Introduction: In a fast-paced world of technology that is changing people's lifestyles and reducing mobility, rural women who were once a mobility model have not been spared. This study aimed to investigate the prevalence of Upper Cross Syndrome in rural women in Qazvin province.
Methods: The present study was a descriptive-comparative study. The statistical population of this study was rural women in Qazvin province with an age range of 15-65 years and an average age (41.88±15.70); in this research, 3023 people participated and were divided into four groups with different age ranges. Subjects were selected by snowball sampling method. The collection tools included a consent form, musculoskeletal abnormalities registration form, checkerboard, and New York test. Descriptive statistics were used to show the prevalence of anomalies, and the Kruskal-Wallis test was used for group comparison in SPSS software version 24.
Results: Kruskal-Wallis test showed that in the variables head forward (p = 0.001), shoulder forward (p = 0.008), and kyphosis (p = 0.001(, there was a significant difference between groups. Also, the results of the prevalence of UPC in rural women showed that the prevalence of head-forward deformities was 60.2%, shoulder-forward 52.8%, and kyphosis 53.9%, which is the highest prevalence related to head-forward abnormality.
Conclusion: The results show that the prevalence of musculoskeletal abnormalities of the upper Cross Syndrome in rural women in Qazvin province has a high prevalence in the age range of 35-31 years and 50-36 years. Therefore, researchers believe that providing information about the prevalence of postural disorders can effectively design preventive programs.