The Impact of COVID-19 on entrepreneurship dimensions in the Iranian sports industry

Oral Presentation , Page 15-15 (1)
Paper ID : 1108-SPORTCONGR (R3)
1PhD candidate, Department of Sport Management, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, University of Allameh Tabatabai, Tehran, Iran
2Associate Professor, Department of Sport Management, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, University of Allameh Tabatabai, Tehran, Iran
Introduction: The Covid-19 crisis has affected all social and economic sectors of the sports industry. According to Ratten et al. (2021), the coronavirus crisis has particularly affected the sports sector. It is necessary to provide solutions to revive the sports industry in this situation. In this regard, sports entrepreneurship has been introduced as a solution, but the impact of the coronavirus crisis on sports entrepreneurship should be examined.
Methods: This research was conducted using the qualitative research method. This research used semi-structured interviews and triangulation techniques to collect information. A total of 13 sports entrepreneurs were interviewed. The coding and analysis of the obtained data were performed through thematic analysis.
Results: The findings of this study showed that the coronavirus crisis has led to rapid innovation in the sports industry and has expanded a new form of sports entrepreneurship to meet the needs that have arisen. In sports services, this innovation has been strongly developed as an island and personal brand in the context of the Internet and social networks, but it does not have a targeted and clear path. In the sports goods sector, the path of sports entrepreneurship is not clear.
Conclusion: The results show that sports entrepreneurship was limited to the production of sporting goods before the coronavirus crisis. The coronavirus crisis has led to a new form of entrepreneurship. In this regard, sports clubs and trainers have used sports entrepreneurship and offered their services. On the other hand, the coronavirus crisis has severely affected professional sports teams. Professional clubs and teams can use sports entrepreneurship to overcome this crisis. In this regard, the mechanism and conceptual model has not been designed. Therefore, it is necessary to design a sports entrepreneurship model in the context of the coronavirus crisis.