Supporting the Reduction of the Directions Number of the Star Excursion Balance Test as a Dynamic Balance Test

Poster Presentation , Page 54-54 (1)
Paper ID : 1034-SPORTCONGR
1Department of sports sciences, Faculty of Human Science, University of Qom, Qom, Iran/ Ph.D. student in Motor Learning, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
2Department of Motor Behavior, Faculty of Sport Science, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
3Department of Motor Behavior, Faculty of Sport Science, University of Shahab Danesh, Qom, Iran
Introduction: The Star Excursion Balance Test (SEBT) is one of the most widely used dynamic balance tests. The protocol of this test is very time-consuming. According to the number of 6 training sessions and three main sessions for each leg and taking into account the rest times between rounds and movements, it takes about 45 minutes. This study was aimed to investigate the reduction of SEBT directions to the experimental directions for wasting time.
Methods: This study was applied type and in terms of descriptive-correlation method. Twenty-four undergraduate students (23.25­±1.25years) were performed the eight-way directions nine times, with six repetitions of that practice and the last three trials as a test. Then the correlation of the total score (for the dominant and non-dominant leg) with the balance score of every single direction, all pairs of directions, the mean of the three directions, and the mean of the four directions were calculated.
Results: The results showed that there was a significant correlation between the total score and the majority of states­ (P­=­0.0005), while the correlation between the total score with single direction and the mean pair of directions was not significant in the dominant and non-dominant legs; also, there was a significant difference in the anterior, posterior medial, and posterior-lateral side were observed (P­=­0.0005).
Conclusion: Therefore, the results of this study supported the reduction of the direction to the three directions of anterior, posterior medial, and posterior lateral. Therefore, researchers can suggest using three directions to save time in the test.